Book warns of societal breakdown threatening Americans of all ages

The process that makes human beings human is breaking down as disruptive trends in American society produce ever more chaos in the lives of American children. The gravity of the crisis threatens the competence and character of the next generation of adults -- those destined to be the first leaders of the 21st century, according to five leading Cornell professors in a new book.

Cornell's Home Study Program is renamed Distance Education Program

The Cornell University Home Study Program is changing its name to the Cornell University Food Industry Management Distance Education Program, said George S. Hayward, director of the program.

Cornell's Distance Education Program offers new "Personal Hygiene," a CD-ROM food-employee training program

Cornell University's Food Industry Management Distance Education Program has announced a new computer-based training program for retail food store managers and associates. The CD-ROM program, which explores the topic "Personal Hygiene," is the first of four programs planned on fundamental topics in food safety and sanitation.

Cornell's Division of Nutritional Sciences becomes a World Health Organization center and home to U.N. University research and training

The Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) at Cornell University, the largest academic unit in the United States devoted to the study of and training in human nutrition, has become home to two international centers.

Chair-mounted split keyboard helps reduce typing risks

Although expensive and complicated to adjust, a split keyboard mounted onto the arms of a worker's chair can help reduce a typist's risk of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and other cumulative trauma disorders, according to a new Cornell study.

Quotations from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his Convocation address at Cornell University on May 25

The following are quotations from an address by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Cornell's Senior Convocation, held from noon to 1 p.m. on May 25 in Barton Hall.

Children from divorced families only half as likely to go to a top college, Cornell research shows

Children who do not consistently live with two biological parents are only half as likely to ever attend a selective college, even after researchers take into account factors such as income and parent education, according to a new Cornell study.

Lack of nursing assistants is an impending crisis, says Cornell gerontologist

The shrinking population of nursing assistants is a "hidden time bomb" and an impending crisis that will implode the entire nursing home system in the next few decades if drastic measures aren't taken soon, says a Cornell social gerontologist and nursing home expert.

Cornell will honor high school teachers of top graduates, May 22

High school teachers from across North America and from as far away as Asia will travel to Cornell University to be honored by their former students on May 22. The students, honored as Merrill Presidential Scholars, represent the top 5 percent of Cornell's 1996 graduating class.