Law students champion human rights at Guantanamo

The Law School's chapter of the National Lawyers Guild sponsored a 'Week on Guantanamo and American Values,' Oct. 27-31. (Oct. 30, 2008)

Alumni and students anxious about declining economy find ramped-up career help at Cornell

Despite the grim economy, campus career experts emphasize that a Cornell degree still holds value in the marketplace. Nonetheless, many are ramping up their efforts to help job-seeking Cornellians. (Oct. 30, 2008)

Securities Law Clinic provides free services to local investors

A new Securities Law Clinic has opened at the Cornell Law School to provide free legal services to investors in central New York who have suffered losses due to fraud or other improper conduct. (Oct. 28, 2008)

Investor Protection News Feed now available from <br />Cornell Law School

Cornell Law School's Securities Law Clinic now has an Investor Protection News Feed that focuses on investor protection news in nontechnical language. (Oct. 13, 2008)

Cornell Law School sends contingent to East Asia

The dean and four professors from the Cornell Law School will attend four conferences in Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong later this month as part of the Clarke Program in East Asian Law and Culture. (Oct. 7, 2008)

Professors awarded for work defending death row inmates

John Blume and Sheri Lynn Johnson were both honored with the Thurgood Marshall Award for Capital Representation given by New York City's Bar for their pro bono work defending death row prisoners. (Sept. 11, 2008)

Judging the jury: Does the American jury system work?

'American Juries: The Verdict,' co-authored by Cornell law professor Valerie Hans, surveys the 30-year-old field of jury studies. (Sept. 9, 2008)

Taiwan party head and CU alum details island's tense relations with China

Tsai Ing-Wen, chair of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan since May, spoke at Cornell Law School, Sept. 4, about Taiwan's status and its tension with mainland China. (Sept. 8, 2008)

Law professor defends legality of controversial wars

In a new book, Cornell Law School faculty member Jens David Ohlin asks -- and answers -- one of the most debated questions of our time: When is war justified? (Aug. 21, 2008)