Tax spending -- not income -- to save society $3 trillion a year, says Frank in NYC

Robert Frank, speaking at Museum of American Finance in New York City Nov. 2, says eliminating income taxes but instituting a steeply progressive consumption tax would free up $3 trillion annually. (Nov. 7, 2011)

Human Ecology celebrates 100 years of CCE partnership

Cornell Cooperative Extension leaders gathered for 'Bridging the Gap Between Science and Service: the First 100 Years of Cooperative Extension,' at the Cornell Club in Manhattan Nov. 1. (Nov. 3, 2011)

Entrepreneurs collaborate, share best practices at NYC sustainability summit

Cornell University Sustainable Design hosted the inaugural 'Interdisciplinary Sustainability Student Summit' Oct. 29 to generate an intercollegiate discussion about sustainability issues. (Nov. 1, 2011)

Cornell Public Service Center applauded for 20 years of outreach and service

The Public Service Center has excelled at embedding service learning and community involvement in the fabric of the Cornell experience, said Robert Harrison, chairman-elect of the board of trustees. (Oct. 31, 2011)

Cornell to submit NYC Tech Campus proposal

On Oct. 28, Cornell will submit its proposal to build a world-class technology campus in New York City. In partnership with Technion, the campus promises to spur economic development in the city. (Oct. 27, 2011)

Cornell's planned NYC Tech Campus drives for a sustainable 'net-zero energy' core

The proposed New York City Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island will utilize solar and geothermal power to harvest as much energy as it consumes. In the parlance of energy experts, it will be 'net-zero energy.' (Oct. 24, 2011)

Announcing new campaign goal, Skorton says, 'Cornell is poised to flourish and lead'

Four years before its sesquicentennial, Cornell is poised to expand its reach, enhance its academic prowess and extend its leadership, President David Skorton said in his State of the University Address Oct. 21. (Oct. 21, 2011)

Cornell, a 'tech powerhouse,' is prepared to spur economic development, tech transfer in NYC

Dan Huttenlocher made the case for a Cornell New York City tech campus at an academic presentation during Trustee-Council Weekend, Oct. 21. (Oct. 21, 2011)

Of mice and women: Ithaca-Weill collaborations boost research and recruiting, say panelists

Collaborations between researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College and the Ithaca campus yield results that might otherwise be impossible, and make Cornell more attractive to graduate students.