'Cornell Dots' that light up cancer cells go into clinical trials

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first clinical trial in humans of brightly glowing 'Cornell Dots' to aid in diagnosing and treating cancer. (Jan. 31, 2011)

Countries, businesses must act to combat acid attacks on women, report asserts

Sital Kalantry, faculty director of the Avon Global Center for Women and Justice, presented the report 'Combating Acid Violence in Bangladesh, India and Cambodia' at a media event Jan. 27 in New York. (Jan. 27, 2011)

Study finds that positive outlook on life eases chronic pain

A study shows how a positive outlook can reduce the suffering of chronic pain; another how it eases the potentially devastating effects of being widowed. Both are published in Psychology and Aging. (Jan. 26, 2011)

Events help students see how liberal arts degrees can lead to careers in banking or journalism

The College of Arts and Sciences held two events in New York City recently to bring alumni and students together to discuss the kinds of careers liberal arts students can go into. (Jan. 20, 2011)

Senior wins $25,000 for rolling clothing store idea

John Sohn '11 has won a $25,000 Geoffrey Beene National Scholarship from the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund for his idea of a fashion apparel truck that would sell his gender-neutral clothing line. (Jan. 18, 2011)

Author Jon Gordon to deliver keynote at annual dinner honoring the late George Boiardi

Author Jon Gordon '93 will give the keynote at the annual '21 Dinner' Saturday, Jan. 29, which honors the late Cornell lacrosse star George Boiardi. Jeremy Schaap '91 will be master of ceremonies. (Jan. 10, 2011)

Campus-to-Campus bus expands New York City service

The Campus-to-Campus (C2C) bus service will add six weekly round trips to its schedule beginning Jan. 13, an increase of more than 40 percent over the current 14 trips.

CU produces first full guide for hospital emergency preparedness exercises

A collaboration with Weill Cornell Medical College has resulted in the nation's first comprehensive guide for hospital emergency preparedness exercises. It's posted on a government site. (Dec. 16, 2010)

The dirt on urban gardens: Some contamination but <br />help is on the way

A four-year multidisciplinary Cornell/Cornell Cooperative Extension project is assessing contaminants in urban garden soils and promoting management strategies to minimize potential health risks. (Dec. 16, 2010)