Vet College staffer recognized for dedicated service

Nicole Woodhull was recognized with the George Peter Award for Dedicated Service for her leadership, resilience, calm, willingness to help and ready laughter last week.

Johnson center to lead marine ecosystem group

The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management’s Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise will lead a $2.3 million effort to improve economic links to marine ecosystems.

Cornell partners in structural biology X-ray center

A $25 million National Science Foundation award will fund a Science and Technology Center aimed at transforming the field of structural biology, including drug development, using X-ray lasers.

Symposium to celebrate the science of Ken Wilson

A memorial symposium to celebrate Nobel laureate Ken Wilson’s scientific achievements will be held Saturday, Nov. 16, in Schwartz Auditorium, Rockefeller Hall, beginning at 9 a.m.

Coyne discusses 'fertile universe' in Beggs Lecture

The Rev. George Coyne of Le Moyne College will discuss the known universe and the interplay of science and religion in the annual Beggs Lecture, Nov. 11 in Sage Chapel.

McCormicks give $5M to support teaching excellence

The McCormick family – James ’69, M.Eng. ’70; Marsha ’70; and son James Jr. ’05, M.Eng. ’06 – longtime supporters of teaching initiatives at the College of Engineering, have made a $5 million gift to endow the Teaching Excellence Institute.

Program pairs Ithacans with international students

The Cornell International Friendship Program pairs local residents with international students and scholars to promote friendships and make the students' experiences more homey.

Costa uses diners and Twitter to cover Washington

Robert Costa, the National Review’s Washington editor and CNBC political analyst, explained his unconventional reporting methods in a talk Nov. 4.

Higgs boson discoverer to give Bethe lecture

Fabiola Gianotti, a CERN physicist involved in the discover of the Higgs boson particle, will deliver the Hans Bethe Lecture Nov. 13 on campus.