Research sheds light on the mechanics of gene transcription

While some reports have suggested that activated genes move to a specific nuclear location for transcription, Cornell research supports the traditional view that gene activation is not dependent on movement to special locations, or so-called 'transcription factories.'

Engineering's Rick Johnson helps museum apply a gallery of technology to authenticate art masterpieces

Engineering's Rick Johnson helps apply technology to authenticate art. He links historians and signal processors to spot forgeries among masters.

CU's newly patented purplish 'lily' blooms all summer long

Mauve Majesty is a new pink ornamental, developed by Professor Mark Bridgen and patented by Cornell, that can bloom all summer long in the cooler, northern states until the first hard freeze in the fall.

Cornell engineering physics is ranked No. 1 for third straight year by U.S. News and World Report

For undergraduates looking for the top program in engineering physics, Cornell is the best place to go, according to U.S. News and World Report. In overall rankings for 2008, Cornell tied for 12th best. (Aug. 17, 2007)

Mercury has molten core, Cornell researcher shows

Newly released data -- from 21 delicately timed observations at three telescopes taken over five years -- yields the strongest evidence to date that Mercury has a molten core, reports Jean-Luc Margot in Science. (May 3, 2007)

Student designer and fiber scientists create a dress that prevents colds and a jacket that destroys noxious gases

A student designer and fiber scientists team up to make a dress that prevents colds and a jacket that destroys noxious gases. The garments were featured at the April 21 Cornell Design League fashion show. (May 1, 2007)

Cornell's 2007 solar home is taking shape, featuring a 'light canopy,' 'green' screens and adaptable sunroom

Cornell's 2007 Solar Decathlon entry, now being built, features a freestanding 'light canopy' to support the house's equipment, 'green' screens and an adaptable sunroom. (May 1, 2007)

Cornell robot discovers itself and adapts to injury when it loses one of its limbs

Cornell researchers have built a robot that works out its own model of itself and can revise the model to adapt to injury. First, it teaches itself to walk. Then, when damaged, it teaches itself to limp.

Raffaello D'Andrea's robotic chair creates stir online, falling apart and reassembling itself

A seemingly simple, sturdy, wood-veneer chair has become an online video hit. With its 'brain' in its seat, the chair collapses into a disheveled, disconnected heap; its legs then slowly find each corner of the base, connect back together and eventually, the chair stands upright.