Is promoting freedom of expression in the workplace a good business practice? This question will be debated at two upcoming events, one in Spanish and one in English, co-hosted by the Cornell Speech and Debate Program, the ILR School and the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.
An undergrad’s Middle Eastern-flavored snacks that aim to minimize menstrual cramps – and that have been tested in a pilot study on campus – are now on sale through her company, Aunt Flo’s Kitchen.
Thirteen student-community projects received grants through the Community Partnership Funding Board’s latest round of funding. Their shared goal: to bring social justice to the community.
The 17th annual Soup & Hope speaker series returns to Sage Chapel on Jan. 25, featuring six Cornell staff, faculty and student storytellers sharing their experiences of overcoming life’s challenges while attendees enjoy a free meal of soup and bread.
A light sail, which uses the momentum of sunlight to travel through space and could one day propel small spacecraft through interstellar realms, is headed to the International Space Station for testing on behalf of Cornell’s Space Systems Design Studio.
Jessica Hong ’20, Henley Schulz ’22 and Andrew Talone ’24 are members of the 2024-25 cohort of Schwarzman Scholars, an international program that nurtures a network of future global leaders.
Writer Vladimir Nabokov’s deep interest in and connection to the natural world and his cross-pollinating interests in the sciences and the arts were the focus of a new seminar, “Nabokov, Naturally,” taught in fall 2023.