In the News

The Atlantic

Barry Strauss, a historian at Cornell University who specializes in leaders of the ancient world, sees real-world parallels to the Dragon Queen’s rain of fire in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones.

The Hill

Cornell Law School professor George Hay says he wasn’t shocked by Kavanaugh’s decision. Hay explains the justice signaled during his ruling on the Anthem-Cigna merger as a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that he would favor solutions in antitrust cases that would benefit consumers.

USA Today

“If there are five votes to fully overturn Roe," says Cornell Law School professor Michael Dorf, "at least one of those, namely Roberts, is going to want to go slowly."

The Washington Post

“When the labor market tightens, retail is one of the first industries to feel it,” says Hyunseob Kim, a professor of labor economics at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. “Retail workers tend to be generalists — what a Walmart worker does is similar to what a Macy’s worker does — so it’s easy for them to move from one employer to another.”


“Binance does not know the exact extent of the attack, yet they keep trading going,” says Emin Gün Sirer, codirector of Cornell University’s Initiative for Cryptocurrencies and Contracts. “This is a huge risk. Anyone can take highly risky positions, and if the trades turn sour, they can claim that it wasn't them, they were compromised by the hack.”

The New York Times

“It is a little bit different when you have someone in a jail or someone in temporary custody as opposed to someone in a prison,” says Jens David Ohlin, vice dean and professor at Cornell Law School. “If someone is in a prison, there is infirmary staff and well-developed services and care would be readily available then. Things are complicated when someone is in a jail.”


"Insects pollinators are unfortunately an excellent example of the problems caused by human activities," says Scott McArt, an entomology professor at Cornell University.

Associated Press

“That’s part of the allure of rural America — you have those strong bonds between family and friends that provide a safety net,” explains Dan Lichter, professor of policy analysis and management in the College of Human Ecology.  “The other side is that those social connections for some people are being frayed.”

Buzzfeed News

"The Trump administration obviously is doing something very different, saying 'no' across the board. That is new," says Josh Chafetz, professor at Cornell Law School. "The earlier fights were all about why some certain piece of information was privileged, and this is about whether Congress gets to oversee the executive branch at all."


“If you look at the trend of white men in this race getting a lot of early support in terms of both polling numbers and donations — as well as positive media coverage — I think it begins to look harder to argue that there aren’t gender biases in play,” explains Kate Manne, assistant professor of philosophy for the College of Arts & Sciences.

The Wall Street Journal

“It’s hard for me to imagine the suits actually succeeding. It seems like the House has perfectly good reasons for subpoenaing this material,” says Josh Chafetz, a law professor at Cornell and an expert on congressional power. “I think a big part of what Trump is trying to do here is not to win but to run out the clock.”

The New York Times

Dr. Leni Kaplan, a clinician and lecturer with Cornell’s Small Animal Community Practice, says that owners shouldn’t feel embarrassed by coming in with a list of questions. “Veterinarians have pets, too, and have often faced the exact challenges our clients face,” she says. “The more questions we can answer, the more successful owners and veterinarians will be in delivering the best care possible.”