Campus & Community
Colleges & Schools

Cornell scientists help to develop Asian Diet Pyramid

To offer a healthful alternative to the 1992 U.S. Food Guide Pyramid, Cornell and Harvard University researchers have teamed up with other experts to unveil an official Asian Diet Pyramid. (January 1996)

Cornell astronomers find counter-rotating stars in a spiral galaxy

Cornell astronomers, observing what they call "the most boring, average galaxy" they could find, have discovered some unusual mechanics: counter-rotating stars in a spiral galaxy. About 80 percent of the stars in the galaxy NGC 4138 - mostly older stars - are rotating in a direction opposite to the younger stars and a huge cloud of hydrogen gas encircling the galaxy.

Spider silk inspires new model for super fibers of future

Scientists hoping to produce super-tough, bio-inspired fibers are a step closer with a new model for the molecular arrangement of spider silk, proposed by Cornell researchers in the Jan. 5 issue of the journal Science. Alexandra H. Simmons, Carl A. Michal and Lynn W. Jelinski reported their findings in the article, "Molecular Orientation and Two-component Nature of the Crystalline Fraction of Spider Dragline Silk."

Cornell sponsors conference in New York City on entrepreneurial families and family business research

Family businesses make critical contributions to the national economy and to family well-being. To determine what directions research on entrepreneurs, families in business and family businesses should take and to help enhance the viability of family businesses, the newly established Cornell Family Business Research Institute is hosting a conference March 17 to 19 in New York City.

Cornell professor's book, The Truest Pleasure, portrays the paradoxes of life

The Truest Pleasure reads as naturally as if it were an autobiography. 'Like a fireside chat,' writes one reviewer in Southern Living magazine. But it took six manuscripts to get it right, says award-winning poet and novelist Robert Morgan of his latest work.

Grants for Cornell women faculty and researchers available

To help advance the careers of women in academia, the President's Council of Cornell Women is offering grants to support the completion of dissertations and research leading to tenure and promotion. The deadline for application for the grants, which can be in any subject, is Feb. 16. Eligible applicants include Cornell women who are either Ph.D. students or assistant or associate professors.

Flat tax will widen divide between rich and poor, says Cornell economist Robert Frank, author of The Winner-Take-All Society

Congress should be wary about adopting the recent flat-tax proposals being pursued on the Hill, says Cornell economist Robert Frank key lawmakers last month in Washington, D.C.

From folklore to science: The 'January Thaw' is real, as the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states are about to find out

After 10 days of digging out from the Blizzard of '96, temperatures across the northeastern and middle Atlantic regions of the United States have begun to rise in what folklore calls the "January Thaw."

New name sought for consolidated local public-transit operation

What's in a name? The future of public transportation in Tompkins County, according to Barbara Blanchard, a member of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives and chair of the operations committee of the Ithaca-Tompkins Transit Center.

Computer program reads math text aloud for the visually impaired

A computer program written by a Cornell University graduate student to help him read his mathematics texts is now helping visually impaired students across the country with their studies. Eventually it may speed the process of recording books for the blind and perhaps lead to an audio browser for the World Wide Web.

Spider silk inspires new model for super fibers of future

Scientists hoping to produce super-tough, bio-inspired fibers are a step closer with a new model for the molecular arrangement of spider silk, proposed by Cornell University researchers in the Jan. 5 issue of the journal Science.

Mighty morphin' pigeon watchers learn science in the city

Inner city schoolchildren all over North America soon will be learning from the pigeons under their feet through the program Project PigeonWatch.