Cornell crafts multifaceted game studies program

The field of game studies is growing at Cornell, including an expanded set of classes, workshops and symposia and a growing library collection of games.

Around Cornell

Jamey Edwards is on a mission to fix healthcare

The newest episode of the Startup Cornell podcast features Jamey Edwards '96 MBA '03, president & chief strategy officer at Koko Home, a company providing radar driven, AI-enabled solutions for healthcare and an Entrepreneur in Residence of StartUp Health, which was founded in 2011 to invest in global health entrepreneurs.

Around Cornell

Navigating DEI in a post-affirmative action landscape

Cornell Nolan School professor David Sherwyn engages Paul Wagner, chief financial officer of Stokes Wagner, and Holly Lawson, Noble Hotels and Resorts’ senior vice president of human resources, in a discussion corporate DEI programs.

Around Cornell

Fors receives ACS Young Investigator Award

The award recognizes two outstanding early career investigators conducting research in any area of fundamental polymer or biopolymer science.

Around Cornell

Surprising ring sheds light on galaxy formation

An international research team discovered that the gas in a Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxy was rotating in an organized fashion, rather than in the chaotic way expected after a galactic collision –– a surprising result.

Around Cornell

Program develops inclusive leaders

The summer 2024 Colman Inclusive Leadership Program helped 33 doctoral students enhance their leadership skills through readings, interactive group activities, case studies and discussion through the three-day immersive experience.

Around Cornell

Abruña receives Global Energy Prize

Abruña was selected in the “non-traditional energy” category for “foundational contributions spanning electrochemistry, batteries, fuel cells and molecular electronics.”

Around Cornell

Forte/Piano Summer Academy returns to Cornell

The July 30-Aug. 3 experience for young artists will culminate with a series of concerts, presentations and roundtable discussions featuring distinguished performing artists, teachers and “rising stars."

Around Cornell

SPROUT Awards support 6 novel research collaborations

From exploring the mechanics of early-stage bone metastasis to analyzing price formation policies in wholesale electricity markets, Cornell Engineering’s Sprout Awards are funding unique research projects with the potential to grow partnerships across Cornell.

Around Cornell