What is ‘media?’ Klarman Fellow strives to define a capacious concept

Scholar, writer and crossword star Anna Shechtman bridges the academic study and the real-world practice of media.

Around Cornell

NYC entrepreneurship conference features founders, social entrepreneurs, venture capitalists

Six speakers will offer a combination of TED-style short talks and fireside chats about their entrepreneurial journeys.

Around Cornell

Stunning wildcat named in honor of Cornell

Alumni, staff and supporters of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology found an undocumented wild jaguar during a recent birdwatching trip to Brazil and gave her a special name. 

Around Cornell

Combat gender labor inequalities through policy changes, Blau urges

Combatting the decline in gender progress in the labor market starts with implementing policy interventions, says Professor Francine Blau ’66. 

Around Cornell

Environmental DNA tech makes reviews faster, cheaper

David Lodge, the Francis J. DiSalvo Director of Cornell Atkinson, urges federal agencies to expand adoption of environmental DNA technologies, which enable faster, cheaper, more accurate environmental reviews.

Around Cornell

Registration opens Oct. 17 for Winter Session Online

Registration and enrollment for Winter Session Online 2023 begins Oct. 17. 

Around Cornell

2022 Bethe Lectures: Harnessing quantum matter for future technologies

Physicist Charles Kane will explain how mysterious features of quantum mechanics can be harnessed for future technologies on Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.

Around Cornell

New endowed scholarship honors academic excellence and is largest gift in Sloan Program history

Reginald M. Ballantyne III, MBA ’67 is a prominent health care industry leader and longtime supporter of Cornell programs. He has endowed a scholarship that is the largest gift in the history of the Sloan Program in Health Administration in the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy.  

Around Cornell

Mundinger Lecture: A small bird with an outsized impact

The great tit is the subject of a 75-year study that has revealed numerous insights about birds. Hear more at this year's Mundinger Lecture.

Around Cornell