AAP Launchpad: 1 evening, 3 departments, 11 books

Join the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning on Monday, October 25, 5–7 p.m., for a special event showcasing recent books and volumes written and edited by AAP faculty. 

Around Cornell

Johnson offers a new degree via eCornell: the Master of Science in Business Analytics

Johnson’s new, online MSBA is designed for working professionals who seek to apply the tools of data science to real problems and real data.

Around Cornell

Gene editing, brand acquisition, neural dust: Kessler Fellows devote summer to startups

While some returning students left behind long days at the beach and summer barbeques, the student entrepreneurs in the 2021 cohort of the Kessler Fellows program returned having completed 10-week internships with startups around the nation.

Around Cornell

Book co-edited by ILR professor wins prize

Described as “an anthropology of labor that is sharply attuned to the irreversible effects of climate change, extinction, and deforestation,” book wins Society for the Anthropology of Work Book Prize.

Around Cornell

Library marks advising milestone

First-year A&S students get a head start with help from librarians.

Around Cornell

Exhibit explores landscapes of letting go

An exhibit of sculptures capture the shapes and sentiments of local landscapes.

Around Cornell

Prison education program leader Rob Scott joins Global Development

Rob Scott, a leader in politically engaged education in New York state who has led efforts to establish local and national coalitions for higher education in prison, has joined Cornell’s Department of Global Development in…

Around Cornell

WIN Conference aims to boost representation of women in investing

The Undergraduate Women in Investing Conference aims to educate undergraduate women about career options in investment management and facilitate recruiting, networking opportunities with sponsoring firms.

Around Cornell

Designer Shares Her Love of Sustainable Luxury

Mimi Prober will serve as designer-in-residence at the Jill Stuart Gallery from Oct. 13 to Nov. 9. She will meet with students, critique their work and exhibit her own. She will also create a new garment made from pieces that were slated to be retired from the Cornell Fashion + Textile Collection.

Around Cornell