British adapted Mughal systems of justice to establish rule in India

“Empires of Complaints: Mughal Law and the Making of British India, 1765-1793” by Robert Travers won honorable mention from the Law and Society Association's James Willard Hurst Book Prize.

Around Cornell

A&S honors 23 faculty with endowed professorships

The new professorships are possible because of generous gifts from alumni, parents and friends.

Around Cornell

Tardos honored with 2023 Knuth Prize

The Knuth Prize recognizes the foundational, long-term impact of Tardos’ pioneering work in algorithms.

Around Cornell

Community-engaged learning e-courses available to faculty and staff

The self-paced online program, offered by the Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, is available for free to Cornell faculty and staff seeking to incorporate community-engaged learning into their course or program.

Around Cornell

Cayuga Forum forges connections between alumni entrepreneurs

Members of the Cayuga Forum are separated into small groups called pods that meet virtually every month.

Around Cornell

Japanese poets open new ways of thinking about media

In new research, Andrew Campana examines cinema-centered poetry in Japan from the 1910s and 1920s, discovering the ways poetry chronicles lasting human impressions left by “new” media.

Around Cornell

Mann Award winner investigates replication stress

Jumana Badar, a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the graduate field of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, has been selected for the 2023 Harry and Samuel Mann Outstanding Graduate Student Award.

Around Cornell

Steven Izen ’13 helps people find balance in life

The new Startup Cornell podcast episode features Steven Izen ’13, Founder and CEO of Lokai and Elements.

Around Cornell

Inaugural M.Eng. Reunion unites ‘amazing’ engineers across six decades

One year at Cornell can lead to a lifetime of memories – and a fulfilling career – according to attendees at the inaugural M.Eng. Reunion Reception, which brought together more than 75 alumni with a Master of Engineering degree on June 10 in Upson Hall Lounge.

Around Cornell