Upstate residents skittish on building utility-scale solar

As New York prepares for a carbon-free energy future, public support for utility-scale solar farms is much lower than support for smaller solar projects, says new Cornell research.

Five ways to make sustainability a resolution

Cornell experts from a variety of fields share their recommendations for individual actions – large and small – that can make an impact locally and globally.

CRP's Design Connect, 13 years of student-led upstate New York impact

Design Connect participants and leaders reflect on over a decade of successful projects and the organization's unique benefit to students from various disciplines, who collaborate among themselves and with groups across the Upstate New York area. 

Around Cornell

Students completing their studies eye the future

Around 1,450 Cornell students completed their studies this month. While the December Recognition Ceremony was canceled, some shared their university experiences.

Arts Quad installation upcycles wood with mixed reality

A research team led by Leslie Lok, assistant professor in the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, relied on mixed-reality technology to design and assemble the installation utilizing salvaged barn wood and hollow-core construction.

Cornell’s first Laidlaw scholars research, lead

The Laidlaw scholars at Cornell are diving into a world of research. Over the first summer of the program, 24 Cornellians selected for the prestigious international program completed research projects on topics ranging from migration and big data to entomology, engineering communications and animal science.

Around Cornell

Revealing climate change inequities, redress, and environmental justice

CRP Assistant Professor Linda Shi discusses her timely research on populations vulnerable to climate change injustices and the planning discipline's critical contributions to the global discussion on adaptation and the future of cities. 

Around Cornell

Trading coal cars for e-bikes, rail trail promotes sustainability

With support from Cornell, the Dryden Rail Trail is a step closer to connecting Ithaca and several nearby communities with a corridor that enables off-street commuting and expands access to natural areas.

Center for Social Sciences awards fall ’21 grants

The Cornell Center for Social Sciences grant program, which supports social science research by Cornell faculty members and conferences that directly benefit Cornell faculty and students, has awarded $145,136 for 15 proposals for fall 2021.

Around Cornell