An amazing book drive from Ithaca, N.Y., to Vilnius, Lithuania

Faculty, curators and even graduate students culled their collections, and more than 2,000 books were collected for the Center of Oriental Studies at Vilnius University. (November 23, 2005)

Poet Ogden Nash's proverbial wit recalled by biographer

Douglas Parker '56, LLB '58, author of "Ogden Nash: The Life and Work of America's Laureate of Light Verse," entertained Nash fans in Kroch Library Nov. 11 with reflections on the poet's life and art. (November 22, 2005)

Widom, CU chemist for half a century, honored with special issue of Molecular Physics

Benjamin Widom, Cornell University Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry, is honored with a special issue of the journal Molecular Physics. (November 15, 2005)

Once-revolutionary 'Danny the Red' delivers talk of reform, not revolt

The controversial and contradictory Daniel Cohn-Bendit delivered his signature blend of paradoxical rhetoric to a Cornell audience Nov. 11. (November 15, 2005)

Memories and emotions about 'the American war' that continue to haunt

Soldiers, scholars and language instructors participate in Teaching Vietnam program on campus and off (November 15, 2005)

Cassini spacecraft provides compelling evidence for patterns resembling spokes on a pinwheel in Saturn's outer rings

By watching a distant star as it passed behind Saturn's outer rings, Cornell astronomers involved with NASA's Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn have found the most direct evidence to date of thin, parallel striations within the planet's outer rings. The evidence gives scientists clues about how thick Saturn's rings are and how their constituent bodies interact. (November 09, 2005)

'Teaching Vietnam: War and Culture' events roll out Nov. 10

An exhibit of archival materials related to the Vietnam War as well as talks, films and a conference for teachers sponsored by the Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) at Cornell is being held Nov. 10 and 11. (November 9, 2005)

Find your inner actor in a creativity workshop Nov. 19

Actor Tom Demenkoff will present a DrillingCompaNY actors workshop open to the campus community Nov. 19 in the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts. (November 9, 2005)

Franco-German Green Party leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit to speak Nov. 11

Daniel Cohn-Bendit's Nov. 11 talk, "Quo vadis Europe: the Franco-German Dialogue in the European Community," is the advance keynote presentation for "Franco-German Relations and the New Europe," Nov. 19. (November 9, 2005)