Hospitality awards to honor Hyatt, Chipotle leaders

The School of Hotel Administration will honor them at its premier event, the fifth annual Cornell Hospitality Icon and Innovator Awards gala, in New York City June 4.

New York's fossil fuel: Gone with the wind, water and sun

Converting New York's energy sources from natural gas, coal and fossil fuel to wind, water and sunlight by 2030 will stabilize electricity prices, reduce power demand and create thousands of jobs.

Green food labels make nutrition-poor food seem healthy

Consumers are more likely to perceive a candy bar as more healthful when it has a green calorie label compared with when it has a red one - even though the number of calories is the same.

Women workers face tradeoffs, researchers find

ILR School shows that fewer U.S. women are entering the work force, and when European women take advantage of state services, they put their career advancement at risk.

Ron Ehrenberg honored by labor association

ILR School Professor Ronald G. Ehrenberg has been named a Labor and Employment Relations Association Fellow.

Natural disasters are especially hard on seniors

Older adults - many with limited mobility or socially isolated - are among the most vulnerable when major weather events paralyze city life, said Elaine Wethington in New York City March 5.

Student's research could shake up Wall Street

Aleksandar Zvorinji's '13, a College Scholar, is working to complete an algorithm that could outperform the markets with a high degree of confidence.

Berkenfeld to lecture on technology's impact on work

Steven Berkenfeld '81 will speak about technology's impact on the workplace March 13 at the ILR School.

Economists call on Washington to enact carbon tax

Professors Antonio Bento and Robert Frank urged the government to enact a carbon tax while they were in Washington, D.C., March 1.