Word choices on political issues reveal ways of thinking

A free online tool provides a glimpse into how political events are being covered and discussed in media and political speeches. (Nov. 5, 2012)

Skorton: Progress ongoing for strategic plan initiatives

President Skorton outlined the progress made on strategic plan initiatives and the work that yet remains, while looking toward the sesquicentennial, in his State of the University Address, Oct. 26. (Oct. 26, 2012)

Task force offers its plan for internationalization at Cornell

Building on its existing strengths, coordinating resources and making additional investments will help Cornell enhance and solidify its status as a top school for international studies and engagement, says a new report.

Cornell Tech begins land use review, releases new images

Cornell Tech, Cornell's initiative to build a world-class technology and entrepreneurship campus on Roosevelt Island, has entered the land use review process. New images of the campus have been released. (Oct. 15, 2012)

Free program makes computer graphics more realistic

A Cornell graduate student has created a free, open-source rendering program that is in use by computer graphics researchers around the world, using an algorithm that had stymied most programmers. (Oct. 8, 2012)

Cornell NYC Tech and the Commerce Department partner to spur job creation

Cornell and the U.S. Department of Commerce announced a groundbreaking partnership in New York City Oct. 2 to speed commercialization of ideas generated at Cornell NYC Tech. (Oct. 4, 2012)

Are there MOOCs in Cornell's future?

Cornell must decide whether or not to join other leading universities in offering free online courses to vast numbers of students.

Wireless data centers could be faster, cheaper, greener

Cornell computer scientists have proposed an innovative wireless design that could greatly reduce the cost and power consumption of massive cloud computing data centers, while improving performance. (Sept. 26, 2012)

Scientists simulate clothing sounds for computer animation

Cornell researchers who specialize in creating sound for computer animation are adding the sounds of cloth to their repertoire. (Sept. 25, 2012)