To feel happier, talk about experiences, not things

People are more inclined to talk about their experiences than about their material purchases, and they derive more happiness from doing so, according to new research by Cornell psychologists.

Link between inflammation and spread of breast cancer found

Researchers have found a link between the body's inflammatory response and how malignant breast cancer cells use the bloodstream to spread.

Women in physics network, mentor at conference

About 140 undergraduates and 40 invited guests attended the Northeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics, Jan. 18-20.

Grad students help untangle Collegetown parking

Cornell Institute for Public Affairs graduate students have recommended ways to improve parking management, enforcement and development in Collegetown.

Intrinsic superconductor behavior revealed

Scientists have verified that superconductors called cuprates respond differently when adding versus removing electrons from them, resolving a central issue about their most basic properties.

Fellowships offer 'new brand of science' to solve issues

Cornell and five other universities have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to establish the NatureNet Science Fellows Program, intended to develop a new breed of interdisciplinary scientists.

Study finds how stressed-out cells halt protein synthesis

A new study unravels how cells rapidly stall protein synthesis during stress and then resume their protein-making activities once the stress has passed.

Cassini suggests ice floats on a Saturn moon

A new model by scientists working on NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn finds that hydrocarbon ice could float on lakes on Saturn's largest moon.

Community board approves Cornell Tech campus plan

Manhattan Community Board 8 approved Cornell Tech's Roosevelt Island campus plan Dec. 19 as part of New York City's public land use review process. (Dec. 20, 2012)