Cornell Cooperative Extension has appointed Alexa Maille as the critical issue lead for extension programming in the areas of youth and families, effective October 1.
Cornell researchers develop affordable test for iron deficiency, which affects 2 billion people, disproportionately impacting women of childbearing age as well as infants and young children.
A research team led by Larissa Shepherd, M.S. ’13, Ph.D. ’17, assistant professor in the College of Human Ecology, has developed an elegant and sustainable way to clean up waterways: reusing one waste product to remove another.
A series of research papers and a free online data dashboard seek to boost the use of biofortification – an affordable, sustainable and climate-smart way to address global malnutrition by increasing the concentrations of essential nutrients in staple crops.
Cheer on the Big Red hockey teams, learn about Indigenous women who attended Cornell from 1914-1942 and join the annual post-Halloween trash pickup in Collegetown.