eLab entrepreneurs can earn credit for startup work

Students entrepreneurs at the Cornell business incubator, eLab, will be eligible to earn academic credits for their work on startup businesses.

Yahoo!'s Kathy Savitt to speak at NYC summit, Oct. 11

Kathy Savitt ’85, chief marketing officer at Yahoo!, will be the keynote speaker at the Cornell Entrepreneurship Summit NYC Oct. 11, hosted by Entrepreneurship@Cornell.

Alumni gift supports anthropology research travel

A gift from Randy '75 and Howard '74, MBA '75, Freedman to Cornell’s anthropology department will allow undergraduates to undertake research projects across the country or around the globe.

Economist Alan K. McAdams dies at 83

Alan Kellog McAdams, professor emeritus of managerial economics in Cornell’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, died Sept. 14 in Ithaca after a short illness. He was 83.

Change.org president Jennifer Dulski to talk careers

Jennifer Dulski ’93, MBA '99, president and COO of Change.org, will speak about managing a career and making a difference Sept. 19 on campus.

Greening manure could yield fly larvae fit for a meal

Two negatives – cow manure and flies – can make a positive. Cornell animal scientists, entomologists and a business professor will examine the environmental impact and commercial potential of quickly processing dairy cow manure with fly larvae. And then using the dried larvae to feed other farm animals.

New one-year MBA program at Cornell NYC Tech

Cornell's Samuel C. Johnson Graduate School of Management has announced a new MBA program at Cornell NYC Tech that fuses business, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Panel explores 'global game' of innovation

The launch of the sixth Global Innovation Index was held at the Cornell Club in New York City July 8.

'Well-equipped' grads can proceed with confidence, Skorton says

Members of the graduating Class of 2013 can be assured that the skills they've developed as Cornell students will serve them well as they take their next steps, President David Skorton said in his Commencement address May 26.