CU professors: Expect no New Deal; 'Era of big government helping working people is over'

Don't expect a new New Deal from President Barack Obama, said two Cornell professors. That kind of big government intervention was 'a long exception,' they argued March 18 in New York City. (March 22, 2010)

Rare finds: Book collectors share the thrill of the hunt

Several Cornell Library donors talked about the thrill of building specialized collections at a Cornell Library Salon March 16 at the Grolier Club in New York City. (March 22, 2010)

Student consulting firm works on relocating and housing earthquake survivors in Haiti

A group of Cornell graduate students has formed a consulting firm to find ways to relocate a camp of earthquake survivors to a better site and secure permanent new housing opportunities. (March 18, 2010)

Changes afoot in labor law will require unions to regroup, ILR School labor expert tells NYC media

Kate Bronfenbrenner, ILR School senior lecturer on labor relations, spoke with journalists March 9 in New York City about the pending federal rule change related to the Railway Labor Act. (March 11, 2010)

'Smart' nanoparticles identify, target and kill cancer cells

Another weapon in the arsenal against cancer has been invented at Cornell: nanoparticles that identify, target and kill specific cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. (March 9, 2010)

CU scientists help NYC plant and care for 1 million trees

New York City has a commitment to plant 1 million trees by 2017, and Cornell researchers are helping by aiding in the development of the research agenda for the large-scale urban forestry project. (March 9, 2010)

Breakthrough may lead to abundant adult stem cells for bone marrow transplants

Researchers have discovered a way to grow copious amounts of adult stem cells that will likely revolutionize bone marrow transplants, organ regeneration, and therapies for organs. (March 8, 2010)

Abruña at New York's natural history museum: Different energy solutions for different needs

Hector Abruna, an expert in fuel cell technology, spoke on energy needs and solutions at the American Museum of Natural History's SciCafe in New York City March 15. (March 5, 2010)

'GoGreener' TV show offers simple conservation tips

'GoGreener,' a motivational PBS TV special that offers simple ways to save money and make the most of available resources, premiers this month on PBS stations in New York City and nationwide. (March 5, 2010)