The funding will enable astronomy researchers at the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves consortium to continue their search for five more years.
Francesco Sgarlata, a Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow in physics in the College of Arts and Sciences, is using his three-year fellowship to address the inconsistency of two pillar theories – general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Cornell researchers have developed a method of magneto-thermal imaging that offers nanoscale and picosecond resolution previously available only in synchrotron facilities.
Cornell researchers were able to stretch and twist individual molecules of a conjugated polymer and measure its mechanical and kinetic properties, gaining insights that could eventually lead to more flexible and robust soft electronic materials.
Elizabeth Kellogg, assistant professor of molecular biology and genetics in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named to the Pew Scholars Program to pursue research into advancing gene editing capability.
A Cornell-led collaboration used wind speed data and the measured accelerations of a golden eagle outfitted with GPS technology to show that turbulence is a source of energy that birds may use to their advantage.
Cornell researchers have discovered a rare “pseudogap” phenomenon that helps explain how the superconducting transition temperature can be greatly boosted in a single monolayer of iron selenide, and how it might be applied to other superconducting materials.
Researchers from Cornell’s School of Applied and Engineering Physics and Samsung’s Advanced Institute of Technology have created a first-of-its-kind metalens – a metamaterial lens – that can be focused using voltage instead of mechanically moving its components.
Cornell researchers used dendrochronology and a form of radiocarbon dating called “wiggle-matching” to identify the ancient origins, and possible purpose, of a unique wooden structure in Northern Italy.