DiversityInc magazine has named Cornell one of five schools for its new 'Top Colleges and Universities' ranking for commitments to diversity. (Dec. 9, 2008)
Brett Hammond, TIAA-CREF's top analyst, advised 240 Cornell faculty and staff members on investing savings during volatile times at a Nov. 18 retirement investments seminar. (Dec. 5, 2008)
Cornell offers pet insurance at group-discounted rates through the Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. Staff and faculty can enroll in pet insurance at any time and use payroll deduction to pay the premiums.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to review the holiday guidelines posted by the university regarding holiday decorations in the workplace. (Dec. 5, 2008)
The Family and Children's Service kicked off its $2.5 million 'Opening New Doors' campaign Nov. 23 at its new location, 127 W. State St. Cornell is a lead contributor. (Nov. 25, 2008)
Application support analyst Alan Rose has benefited from his enrollment in the Cornell Program for Healthy Living, saying it motivated him to change his diet and get more exercise. (Nov. 21, 2008)