The Cornell Mushroom Club will host a demonstration Sunday, July 30, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the McDaniels Nut Grove on the cultivation of different types of mushrooms. It is free and open to the public.
Ithaca High School sophomores and juniors trekked across the Cornell campus for two days in March, visiting the Johnson Art Museum, the Cornell Ceramics Studio and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS).
A deadly fish virus has been found for the first time in a variety of freshwater fish in the northeastern United States by Cornell University researchers. (June 14, 2006)
As long as children continue to be coerced into militias, peace talks in those countries to settle armed conflicts are unlikely, assert two Cornell University researchers. (June 9, 2006)
Three Cornell University students have received the 2006-07 Morris K. Udall Scholarship. The students garnered awards up to $5,000 each from a field of 445 nominations from 224 institutions.
Acid rain, the environmental consequence of burning fossil fuels, running factories and driving cars, has altered soils and reduced the number of sugar maple trees growing in the Northeast, according to a new study led by Cornell researchers.
When 10,000 honeybees fly the coop to hunt for a new home, usually a tree cavity, they have a unique method of deciding which site is right: With great efficiency they narrow down the options and minimize bad decisions.
Chris Barrett's economic development research takes him into the most poverty-stricken areas of rural Africa, the halls of Washington, D.C., and back to Cornell University, where he collaborates with biophysical and social scientists on innovative ways to improve the lives of some of the poorest people on Earth.
How does a little girl growing up in the big city of San Francisco develop an abiding love and appreciation for nature and a passion for biology? Go fish. "My parents enjoyed fishing, and although my sister had no interest, I loved it," says Helene Dillard, director of Cornell Cooperative Extension.