Things to Do, May 23-30

Events this week include the annual Biotech Open House, Community Day at Museum of the Earth and Cayuga Nature Center, and an exhibition on falconry at Mann Library.

Institute for the Social Sciences grants awards

From conducting archaeological research in the Republic of Armenia to exploring how rumors spread through Twitter, the Institute for the Social Sciences' small grants program funded 22 faculty members' projects for the 2013-14 year.

Art history majors explore framing from literal to abstract

'Framing' is the theme of this year's History of Art Majors' Society display at the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art’s Kress Study Gallery. The exhibition will be on view until July 6.

Students 'delve deeper' into research topics, methods

Delve Deeper, a course co-taught by Cornell research librarians in partnership with faculty and staff mentors, is preparing undergraduates as scholars with advanced research skills.

Things to Do, May 16-23

Events this week include Mayfest chamber music concerts, student films, a lecture on dinosaurs, a 'Cosmos' campus screening, a Science Cabaret on fertility and a wellness celebration.

Climate change caused empire's fall, tree rings reveal

Archaeologist Sturt Manning and colleagues have precisely dated an arid climate event circa 2200 B.C. through tree ring samples taken from an Egyptian coffin.

Social sciences project to study creativity, entrepreneurship

The next two-year theme project of the Institute for the Social Sciences is "Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship."

Thomas Seeley waxes poetic on bees

Biologist Thomas Seeley read passages from his book 'Honeybee Democracy' at a Literary Luncheon hosted by President David Skorton and Robin Davisson, who, with Seeley's help, recently took up beekeeping.

Things to Do, May 9-16

Events this week include activities at Cornell Plantations, an MFA student reading, a "Frozen" sing-along at Cornell Cinema, student exhibitions and Michael Jerling on "Bound for Glory."