In ‘Fun Home’ and other books, queer narratives rework time

In “Never On Time, But Always in Time,” Kate McCullough of the College of Arts and Sciences examines four books to explore how queer narratives focus on the body and its senses to find alternative ways of experiencing and presenting time.

Fashion police dictated gender norms in early modern Genoa

Sumptuary laws – designed to “control luxury clothing consumption and the social ills it could encourage” – constrained women more than they did men. 

Around Cornell

A story of environmental hope set in Bali

"Borrowing Paradise," a new book for children, brings a community-centered Balinese Hindi ritual to life.

Around Cornell

Learn local lore, Cornell historian Earle says in ‘Last Lecture’

Lecturer Corey Ryan Earle ’07, Cornell’s unofficial historian, gave the latest installment in the Last Lecture series, which invites a respected staff member or professor to give a lecture as if it were their final one. 

Things to do: Student and ornithological art, nature crafts

The last day of classes nears, but there are still events across campus over the next week for crafters, filmgoers, art lovers and more.

Historic marker celebrates Pearl S. Buck’s stop in Ithaca

Years before writing “The Good Earth” and winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, the aspiring novelist received encouragement and a master’s degree at Cornell.

Near ancient obelisk, AAP’s ‘Pyramidion’ towers at Met

The installation designed by AAP's Jennifer Newsom and Tom Carruthers is one of nearly 200 artworks featured in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's "Flight into Egypt: Black Artists and Ancient Egypt, 1876-Now" exhibition, open through Feb. 17.

Klarman Fellow wins Middle East Studies dissertation award

Olga Verlato's dissertation, “Languages of Power and People: Multilingualism, Politics, and Resistance in Modern Egypt and the Mediterranean,” received the Malcolm H. Kerr Award from the Middle East Studies Association of North America.

Around Cornell

New student awards honor Medieval studies faculty

The prizes will recognize outstanding undergraduate and graduate student research in Medieval and Renaissance studies.

Around Cornell