Handel’s greatest hits, reimagined for organ

David Yearsley, the Herbert Gussman Professor of Music, has configured some of George Frideric Handel’s greatest works into pieces for solo organ in his new album.

University celebrates top faculty for outstanding teaching, mentoring

Eleven teaching faculty from across the university have been awarded Cornell’s highest honors for graduate and undergraduate teaching, Interim President Michael I. Kotlikoff announced Oct. 22.

Archaeology conference focuses on cultural erasure

Unearthing Unseeing: Archaeology, Heritage, and Forensics in the Shadow of State Violence” will highlight new approaches to cultural remains caught up in contemporary conflicts and past trauma.  

Around Cornell

Art + tech exhibit looking for student work

Students can win up to $1,500 for projects that combine art and technology in the inaugural Art + Tech exhibit hosted by The Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity.

Around Cornell

Events celebrate Chinese composer who also transformed language

Chao Yuen-Ren 1914, composer of the first Chinese keyboard music, was also a ground-breaking linguist who transformed the Chinese language through his scholarship on Chinese grammar and phonology.

Around Cornell

Short films from PMA course selected for festivals

Three short documentaries produced in a Rural Humanities Seminar, taught by PMA Associate Professor Austin Bunn, are headed to film festivals this fall. 

Around Cornell

Winter Session 2025 registration is now open

Online Winter Session classes run January 2–18, 2025.

Around Cornell

J. Ellen Gainor wins book award from Theatre Library Association

The George Freedley Memorial Award Special Jury Prize goes to Gainor for “The Routledge Anthology of Women’s Theatre Theory & Dramatic Criticism," which she co-edited. 

Around Cornell

Nicole Eisenman: painting the story

In a wide-ranging discussion that covered the role of narrative in the artistic process, the frustration of being pigeonholed by labels, and what they are listening to in their studios, Art Professor and Department Chair Paul Ramírez Jonas spoke with Nicole Eisenman in advance of Eisenman's talk at AAP on October 29.

Around Cornell