Neal Zaslaw, the Herbert Gussman Professor of Music Emeritus, spent three decades assembling a comprehensive catalog of Mozart’s 600-plus compositions.
Cornell’s “Antisemitism and Islamophobia Examined” series concludes this semester with a talk by Derek Penslar, the William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History at Harvard University.
A new library exhibit will highlight the close-knit, vibrant communities that Black writers in the U.S. created through newspapers, books, pamphlets and other publications in the 18th to 20th centuries.
The work of the four winning writers – Andrew Boryga, Aisha Abdel Gawad, C. Michelle Lindley and Amanda Moore – spans a wide range of forms and topics.
Cornell, the only institution offering regular multilevel instruction in all six of the major Southeast Asian languages – Burmese, Indonesian, Khmer, Filipino (Tagalog), Thai and Vietnamese – will host a conference on the teaching of these languages on Sept. 19-21.
Mara Yue Du, associate professor of history; Durba Ghosh, professor of history; and Rachel Weil, professor of history are pursuing research projects at the IAS campus in Princeton, New Jersey.