Health care buildings in the United States use lots of energy and few embrace sustainability, but a study led by Cornell researchers writes a green prescription for finding practical solutions.
The World Health Organization has named Cornell's Division of Nutritional Sciences a collaborating center, establishing the division as a research and training partner in public health and nutrition policies.
Dr. Laurie H. Glimcher, Cornell’s provost for medical affairs and the Stephen and Suzanne Weiss Dean of the Medical College, has been named president and chief executive officer of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
According to Cornell professor emeritus of food science Joe Regenstein ’65, M.S. ’66, consumer fears about genetically modified food are mostly misplaced. He spoke at Mann Library Feb. 18.
Food banks may soon be able to boost the nutritional value of the food they distribute to the hungry, thanks to a new harvesting model created by Cornell economists.