High-pressure cryocooler is local company's new product

A Cornell-developed technology for preparing proteins for X-ray crystallography has made its way into the world marketplace through a licensing agreement with ADC Inc. of Lansing, N.Y.

Three Cornell faculty named Sloan Research Fellows

Two Cornell faculty and one new hire who will join the faculty this July have been named Sloan Research Fellows.

The 'bricycle' dilemma - to steer or balance?

Cornell's three-wheeled vehicle shows what it would be like to ride a bike in zero gravity and offers insights into the design of narrow, leaning vehicles proposed to ease traffic congestion.

Planetary visionary Carolyn Porco to speak April 9

Astronomer Carolyn Porco, director of NASA’s Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations, or CICLOPS, will speak April 9 at G-01 Uris Hall at 4:30 p.m.

Michael Stillman makes the abstract concrete

A computer program by mathematics professor Michael Stillman makes abstract math problems concrete and computable.

Girl Scouts explore science, earn badges on campus

At a March 22 workshop aimed to encourage grade-school girls to pursue science and technology, Girl Scouts decoded secret messages and investigated a scene to earn scouting detective badges, among other activities.

BEST program will train Ph.D.s for nonacademic careers

With so few available academic jobs, Cornell will start a NIH-funded pilot program to help train life sciences graduate students and postdocs for nonacademic positions. A kickoff event is March 18.

Peck receives NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal

Mason Peck, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, who served as NASA’s chief technologist from January 2012 to December 2013, has received the agency’s Distinguished Public Service Medal.

'Neurodinners' offer smorgasbord of research ideas

Two neuroscience graduate students have created regular cross-campus events at which to share and discuss varied research in their field.