Researcher works toward making biological imaging 1,000 times faster with stimulus grant

Professor Warren Zipfel hopes to make fluorescence lifetime imaging up to 1,000 times faster and simpler to implement. (Nov. 16, 2009)

Small optical force can budge nanoscale objects

Engineering researchers have used a very tiny beam of light with as little as 1 milliwatt of power to move a silicon structure up to 12 nanometers. (Nov. 16, 2009)

Cornell's 100-mpg car hits the road for a test-drive

Cornell's competition vehicle, vying for a share of the $10 million prize, is now being test driven. (Nov. 16, 2009)

Researchers find reliable, mess-free way to grow graphene

A Cornell research team has invented a simple way to make graphene electrical devices by growing the graphene directly onto a silicon wafer. (Nov. 9, 2009)

'Temporal telescope' compresses optical signals

An ingenious method to time-compress optical signals could enable optical communication systems to carry many more bits per second. (Nov. 3, 2009)

Two grad students earn prestigious Intel fellowships

Shuang Zhao and Mark Cianchetti have each received a Ph.D. Fellowship Award from Intel Corp., which recognizes their potential as future technology leaders. (Nov. 3, 2009)

Crash, bang, rumble! Bringing noise to virtual worlds

Computer scientists have developed a method to synthesize the sounds of cymbals, falling garbage cans and lids, and plastic water-cooler bottles and recycling bins. (Oct. 27, 2009)

Jonathan Butcher delivers young investigator lecture

The Biomedical Engineering Society honored Jonathan Butcher, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, with the Rita Schaffer Memorial Young Investigator Award earlier this month. (Oct. 27, 2009)

Battling cancer with engineering: National Cancer Institute funds Cornell-led $13 million research center

The $13 million Center on the Microenvironment and Metastasis will focus on using nanobiotechnology and other related physical science approaches to advance research on cancer. (Oct. 27, 2009)