Nanomanufactured polymer film could lead to lower-cost solar cells

A new method uses polymer chemistry to 'self-assemble' a dye-based photovoltaic cell. (Nov. 24, 2008)

What to do with rotten, smelly garbage when the nearest dumpster is 100 million miles away

Jean Hunter, associate professor of agricultural and biological engineering, has devised a way to deal with rotten, smelly garbage in the one place where you can't throw out the trash - space. (Nov. 17, 2008)

Despite market turmoil, financial engineering 'quants' see number-crunching future

Master of financial engineering students are putting theory into practice during their third and final semester of coursework at Cornell Financial Engineering Manhattan. (Nov. 10, 2008)

New method can capture catalysis, one molecule at a time

Cornell researchers have developed an ingenious microscopic method to observe the behavior of single nanoparticles of a catalyst, down to the resolution of single catalytic events. (Nov. 10, 2008)

Following the leader can be a drag, according to student's research on flapping flags

Graduate student Leif Ristroph found that two or more flexible objects in a flow - flags flapping in the wind, for example - experience drag very differently from rigid objects in a similar flow. (Nov. 6, 2008)

Welcome to Chaos: Strogatz course featured on DVD

A new course on DVD featuring mathematician Steve Strogatz covers the science and math behind chaos theory, plus the historical, cultural and philosophical implications of the concept. (Nov. 6, 2008)

Kavli symposium looks at the future of computing

Computer scientists and engineers met at Cornell Oct. 12-14 to discuss ideas ranging from obvious to fanciful for the future of hardware and software design. (Oct. 23, 2008)

High school students visit with women engineers at Cornell

The program included an overview of the college and admissions process, lab tours and opportunities to meet with Society of Women Engineers members. (Oct. 22, 2008)

Kessler Fellows Program to let engineering students embrace their entrepreneurial spirit

The College of Engineering is offering a select group of students the chance to learn how to make their technological innovations into working businesses, thanks to a gift from Andrew J. Kessler '80. (Oct. 21, 2008)