A popular strategy for combating misinformation can help people distinguish truth from falsehood – when combined with reminders to focus on accuracy, Cornell-led research finds.
Unlike birds, the evolution of bats’ wings and legs is tightly coupled, which may have prevented them from filling as many ecological niches as birds, researchers from the College of Veterinary Medicine have found.
Dr. Chani Traube, professor of pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine, has been awarded a $3.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health for a clinical trial called Optimizing Pain Treatment in Children on Mechanical ventilation.
Cornell University and World Coffee Research, backed by funding from USAID, are rolling out a new program focused on improving the resilience and productivity of coffee smallholder growers worldwide.
Highly structured management practices are correlated with better productivity and profitability outcomes for companies and countries, an international consortium of researchers has found through a novel quantification method.
Sendhil Mullainathan ’93, a scholar and writer who uses machine learning to find new approaches to complex problems in medicine, policy and human behavior, will deliver the Messenger Lectures on Nov. 11-13.
In urban settings, a mix of slow- and fast-charging stations installed at strategic locations is most convenient for drivers and increases profitability up to 100%.
Cornell researchers developed a fairer, more equitable method for choosing top job candidates from a large applicant pool in cases where insufficient information makes it hard to choose.
Researchers in the College of Veterinary Medicine and colleagues have discovered that a protein complex that helps fight cancer cells also slows the growth of tuberculosis – a finding that could mean better treatments for both diseases.