Wildlife experts have developed a regional computer model – and user friendly app – that predicts counties where wildlife managers should target their surveillance of chronic wasting disease in deer.
Researchers developed a robotic version of a crash cart – a rolling storage cabinet stocked with medical supplies – to see if it can help out in unpredictable health care settings, like emergency and operating rooms.
Intimate partner violence is notoriously underreported and correctly diagnosed at hospitals only around a quarter of the time, but a new method provides a more realistic picture of which groups of women are most affected, even when their cases go unrecorded.
Jon Kleinberg is one of 37 new members from diverse fields to be selected for membership in the American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the U.S.
When the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan in August 2021, Hussain Ahmad Mohammad lost his chance at a Fulbright Fellowship. With a little help from Cornell Bowers CIS, Mohammad completed his M.Eng. degree and will begin a Ph.D program in systems and networking this fall.
Speak a little too haltingly and with long pauses, and OpenAI’s speech-to-text transcriber might put harmful, violent words in your mouth, Cornell researchers have discovered.
A new study suggests that the gender of an AI’s voice can positively tweak the dynamics of gender-imbalanced teams and could help inform the design of bots used for human-AI teamwork.
First-year students in the Milstein Program in Technology & Humanity engaged with community members, crafting innovative assignments and sharpening their skills with various technologies.
The Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems is welcomes the 2024 cohort of the National Science Foundation-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.