China trip gives Cornell dairy students fresh insight

Cornell animal science students traveled to China in January for a two-week immersive journey to a country still developing the capacity to meet a growing appetite for dairy products.

Infectious disease experts join forces, host global meeting

In recent years, Cornell has amassed an impressive stable of experts in an emerging field for modern times: The ecology and evolution of infectious disease.

New extension ag teams aid N.Y.'s North Country

The Northern New York Regional Agriculture Team joins Harvest New York's northern chapter as Cornell Cooperative Extension's latest additions to its network of regional agriculture programs.

Plant researchers get powerful new resource in Weill Hall

Matthew Willmann, director of the new Plant Transformation Facility, is harnessing precision technology to create transgenic and gene-edited plants on campus for Cornell researchers.

Farm Ops initiative opens new fields to veterans

Farm Ops, an initiative from the Cornell Small Farms Program, is the first of its kind in the country to give returning veterans the opportunity to learn agriculture via their G.I. Bill benefits.

Student exploration: Healing starts with everyday plants

Stretching beyond the "apple a day" adage, Cornell students explored an Ithaca nature setting and Belizean villages to see how common plant life helps alleviate ailments.

New library shelves 3,400 bottles of wine

The new John Wilkinson Family Wine Library in the basement of Stocking Hall holds more than 3,400 bottles of wine inventoried and made searchable by faculty in the Viticulture and Enology Program.

Researchers nudge healthy food selection in food pantries

Researchers from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab have uncovered ways to nudge clients to make healthier food choices in community food pantries.

Food science seniors sweeten flourishing businesses

The scent of graham crackers, wine-infused mustard and frozen Greek yogurt permeates the noses of students in Food Science 4000, where Cornell seniors draw on their knowledge to aid New York food businesses.