AAP NYC set to expand offerings in new space

The College of Architecture, Art and Planning's New York City program, AAP NYC, will have a new expanded location in lower Manhattan later this year for its graduate and undergraduate programs.

Hillel confers Tanner Prize on Lynn and Jules Kroll

Cornell Hillel has named Lynn ’65 and Jules ’63 Kroll as winners of the 2014 Tanner Prize, awarded annually to an individual, couple, family or other entity to recognize longtime contributions to the Jewish people and to Cornell.

Cornell engages with community on Roosevelt Island Day

Students, faculty and administrators from Cornell Tech, Weill Cornell Medical College and Cooperative Extension participated in Roosevelt Island Day, June 21.

Immune cells found to prevent bone marrow transplant rejection

Cornell researchers have identified a type of immune system cell that prevents a patient’s body from attacking donor cells after a bone marrow transplant.

Cornell Tech MBAs connect with undergrad entrepreneurs

Members of the inaugural class of Cornell Tech MBA students are working with undergrads, grads and young alumni on a variety of entrepreneurial projects in Ithaca this summer.

Cornell Tech will be 'land grant' school for NYC

The growth of Cornell Tech over the next few years will be exciting to watch and in many ways similar to what we see on the Ithaca campus, but with a novel approach, a Reunion audience was told June 7.

Cornell Tech grads solve problems large and small

Six exploratory startup projects were showcased May 16 during Cornell Tech's third Open Studio.

Natural resources expert talks Big Apple agriculture

Natural resources doctoral student Philip Silva described the blooming world of urban gardens at a talk in New York City May 21.

Language fosters global citizenship, student says

Economics student Eric Krasnow ’15 wrote in Spanish about his Cornell Abroad experience in Spain for an essay contest, and will present his essay at a United Nations youth forum June 27 in New York City.