Cornell China major sealed in Beijing as Rawlings signs agreement with Peking University

Reaching across the Pacific Ocean with a friendly hand, Cornell President Hunter R. Rawlings formally signed an academic partnership Nov. 15 with Peking University. This puts the final Beijing piece of Cornell's new China and Asia-Pacific Studies program into place. (November 15, 2005)

Cornell harvest brings healthy food by the ton to needy dinner tables

This harvest season, families across the Southern Tier have received 81 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables thanks to faculty and staff at Cornell University's Homer C. Thompson Farm in Freeville. (November 15, 2005)

Widom, CU chemist for half a century, honored with special issue of Molecular Physics

Benjamin Widom, Cornell University Goldwin Smith Professor of Chemistry, is honored with a special issue of the journal Molecular Physics. (November 15, 2005)

First Andrei Sakharov Prize for human rights goes to Cornell physicist and former Soviet gulag prisoner Yuri Orlov

Cornell physicist Yuri Orlov has been named the recipient of the first Andrei Sakharov Prize from the American Physical Society for his extensive work promoting human rights. (November 14, 2005)

UCLA musicologist Raymond Knapp wins $10,000 George Jean Nathan Award for Dramatic Criticism

Raymond Knapp, musicologist at the University of California-Los Angeles, has been named the winner of the 2004-05 Nathan award for dramatic criticism. The $10,000 award, administered by the Cornell University Department of English, is one of the most generous and distinguished in the American theater. (November 14, 2005)

'Teaching Vietnam: War and Culture' events roll out Nov. 10

An exhibit of archival materials related to the Vietnam War as well as talks, films and a conference for teachers sponsored by the Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) at Cornell is being held Nov. 10 and 11. (November 9, 2005)

Find your inner actor in a creativity workshop Nov. 19

Actor Tom Demenkoff will present a DrillingCompaNY actors workshop open to the campus community Nov. 19 in the Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts. (November 9, 2005)

Franco-German Green Party leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit to speak Nov. 11

Daniel Cohn-Bendit's Nov. 11 talk, "Quo vadis Europe: the Franco-German Dialogue in the European Community," is the advance keynote presentation for "Franco-German Relations and the New Europe," Nov. 19. (November 9, 2005)

Rawlings heads to China to sign partnership agreement and deliver keynote address at economic summit in Beijing

Cornell University President Hunter R. Rawlings will be heading to China Nov. 14 for a four-day trip to Beijing. He plans to sign an official partnership agreement with Peking University (formalizing Cornell's newest academic major, China and Asia-Pacific studies), deliver a keynote address at the 2005 Beijing Forum and participate in an engineering workshop with Tsinghua University. (November 07, 2005)