A slight modification to an existing RNA sequencing technique, developed in the lab of assistant professor Iwijn De Vlaminck, will allow a greater variety of molecules to be analyzed.
Robotics Day at Duffield Hall was a day-long event this year, with two classes holding their semester-ending competitions, plus demonstration booths set up throughout the atrium.
The Mars InSight lander has sent back the first “sounds” ever recorded on the red planet, NASA announced Dec. 7. These vibrations have left Cornell’s Don Banfield and mission scientists in auditory awe.
Robots that sense and adjust their position relative to their surroundings is the subject of the latest work from Rob Shepherd, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering.
The U.S. Department of Energy has granted $1.7 million to Cornell startup Ecolectro so the company can produce hydrogen fuel more easily and inexpensively.
The Office of the Provost has announced five winners of the inaugural Provost Research Excellence Awards, which recognize leadership and innovation in scholarly research.