A group led by applied and engineering physics professor David Muller has achieved a record for electron microscopy resolution, using a device developed at Cornell by professor Sol Gruner.
Three Cornell professors contributed to the successful proposal to lead a new $18.5 million endeavor to enhance the United States’ wind-energy economy and nix greenhouse gas emissions.
The completely reconstructed Upson Hall – for 60 years an anchor on the Engineering Quad and home to the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering – has been certified LEED Platinum.
A group led by chemical and biomolecular engineering professor Matthew DeLisa has devised a cell-free method for producing glycosylated proteins, which could have impacts in personalized medicine.
A group led by Guy Hoffman, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is developing technology that will allow robots to display emotion through changes in their skin.
The Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future’s Academic Venture Fund has awarded $1.5 million to a range of projects that will provide sustainable solutions around the world, from the Finger Lakes to the Pamir Mountains in Central Asia.