Using scanning transmission electron microscopy at minus-180 degrees, a group led by assistant physics professor Lena Kourkoutis gained insights into how charge order evolves in a manganite.
Graduate teaching assistants Stepfanie Aguillon and Aravind Natarajan were honored with the 2017-18 Cornelia Ye Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Jan. 22.
The lab of Yimon Aye, assistant professor of chemistry, has developed a new genome-wide method for identifying and analyzing proteins that could be suitable targets for drug delivery.
The regulation and function of the oncogene RAS and two related proteins, K-Ras4a and K-Ras4b, are explored in a pair of recent papers from the lab of chemistry professor Hening Lin.
Development and testing by engineering professor Larry Bonassar and his group helped a New England biomedical firm land an $87 million contract to distribute their product in Japan.