Cornell startup Orthofit combats workplace injuries

Orthofit, the newest member of Rev: Ithaca Startup Works, is refining the prototype of its signature product – a “smart” glove.

Breakthrough made in atomically thin magnets

Cornell researchers have become the first to control atomically thin magnets with an electric field, a breakthrough that may be applicable to computer chips and other applications.

Cancer symposium aims to unify Cornell researchers

Cornell will hold the first Annual Cancer Research Symposium to showcase diverse and groundbreaking cancer research on campus, and to better integrate investigators from the Ithaca campus and Weill Cornell Medicine.

Students’ bus stop sign design becomes roadside reality

Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit is installing nearly 560 bus stop signs, redesigned in partnership with systems engineering students and the Cornell University Sustainability Design group.

Cornell touts Sustainability Month with over 80 events

Cornell goes green by celebrating Earth with Sustainability Month during April. More than 80 events are scheduled, including lectures, films, fashion, art and social justice events.

Cornell researchers build telescopes to measure universe’s earliest light

A group of Cornell physicists led by Michael Niemack has joined a group that will use two new telescopes to measure the Cosmic Microwave Background, the universe's earliest measurable light. 

Understanding nanocatalysts' 'communication' could inform better design

Research by a group led by chemistry professor Peng Chen reveals 'talk' between nanoscale catalysts, and offers a new conceptual framework that could lead to better design of synthetic nanocatalysts.

First proof of hydrogen-bonded water wires could lead to better desalination

Using a method developed in his lab, Poul Petersen and an international group of collaborators claim the first observation of water wires in a membrane. This could eventually lead to better desalination methods.

Cornell to help jump-start seven NY businesses

Seven New York state businesses have been awarded funding to participate in the Cornell Center for Materials Research JumpStart Program, through which they will collaborate with Cornell faculty members to develop and improve their products.