Sugar-coated vesicles prove effective in laboratory tests on deadly pathogens

The labs of Matt DeLisa and Dave Putnam has teamed with a group from Harvard to work on a vaccine delivery system based on DeLisa's versatile outer membrane vesicles.

Teukolsky to explore the Dark Universe in Spring Hans Bethe Lecture

Cornell astrophysicist Saul Teukolsky will explain gravitational waves and other phenomena March 28 as part of the Hans Bethe Lecture at Cornell.

New technique simplifies creation of nanoparticle 'magic-sized clusters'

A collaboration of two Cornell research groups has proposed a novel method for producing groups of same-sized nanoparticles, known as 'magic-sized clusters,' which have applications in optical memory storage and lighting.

Quick pulse of laser light can cause dramatic shift in material's properties

Assistant professor Nicole Benedek and postdoc Guru Khalsa are working to perfect a method for changing the properties of a material by zapping it with a beam of laser light.

Dire levels of CO2 will decimate oceans in 200 years

Sustained climate warming will drive the ocean’s fishery yields into steep decline 200 years from now and that trend could last at least a millennium, said scientists from Cornell and the University of California, Irvine.

Researchers sew atomic lattices seamlessly together

Research from Cornell and the University of Chicago has revealed a technique to “sew” two patches of crystals seamlessly together to create atomically thin fabrics.

Novel semiconductor-superconductor structure features versatile gallium nitride

A research group led by Debdeep Jena of electrical and chemical engineering has successfully constructed a semiconductor-superconductor heterostructure that could help change electronics.

Undergrads: Apply for summer research opportunities at Cornell Tech

Up to 10 undergraduate students from the Ithaca campus will spend their summer doing research on the Cornell Tech campus. 

NYC high schoolers explore STEM fields at Weill Cornell Medicine

On Feb. 27, 90 students from public high schools across New York City participated in Big Red STEM Day, designed to inspire high school students to consider STEM fields.