The Charter Day Weekend panel "Wellness, Fulfillment and Good Health" focused on ways to lead a healthy, fulfilling life, both physically and mentally.
A Charter Day Weekend panel explains how the famous "Six Degrees of Separation" experiment has led to new understanding of networks across a variety of disciplines.
A Charter Day Weekend panel discussion explored how technological shifts, and changes in how audiences consume information, have affected the worlds of media and journalism.
Merging the past, present and future, the Cornell Symphony Orchestra, the Cornell Chorus and the Cornell Glee Club performed a concert tailored for the sesquicentennial, "My Cornell: A Celebration of Words."
At “Illuminating Images: A First Step to Scientific Discovery,” a panel of Cornell faculty and alumni illustrated how images help further scientific study as part of Charter Day Weekend April 25 at Barton Hall.
Deliberating security and a sustainable future, six professors from a variety of disciplines offered quick-takes on destiny – and how our society adjusts - at Charter Day Weekend.
An all-alumni panel comprising banking, finance and financial policy experts spent Sunday morning of Charter Day Weekend unpacking the complexities of U.S. financial regulatory reform since the Great Recession of 2007-08.
Six alumni and faculty offered an overview of Cornell's contributions to poverty and development economics in a Charter Day Weekend panel April 25 on campus.
Four scholars with Cornell connections looked at a revolution in humanities teaching, research and subject matter at a Charter Day Weekend panel April 25.