Engaging youth leads to more inclusive public spaces

Outside of the token skate park, the diverse needs of New York state teens are often ignored when planners design public spaces. A new collaboration between a College of Human Ecology professor and Cornell Cooperative Extension seeks to put an end to that.

The Contribution Project returns to Cornell, expands to two SUNYs

Applications are open for the Contribution Project, a program that grants $400 each to undergraduates with ideas for how to make a difference in the world.

Twelve new Klarman Fellows to pursue innovative, timely research in A&S

This fifth cohort of Klarman Fellows is the largest since the program was launched in 2019.

Around Cornell

Mouse social calls and distress calls linked to different neurons

Cornell neuroscientists have identified a group of midbrain neurons essential to ultrasonic social vocalizations produced by mice – but not the squeaks they make when distressed.

Undergrads to debate free speech in the workplace

Is promoting freedom of expression in the workplace a good business practice? This question will be debated at two upcoming events, one in Spanish and one in English, co-hosted by the Cornell Speech and Debate Program, the ILR School and the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.

How to elicit an authentic ‘yes’

Researchers at the ILR School and University of Michigan suggest giving people a script to get an honest answer – even if it’s a hard “no” – instead of acquiescence motivated by awkwardness or guilt.

Vaping labels challenge: Encouraging adults, dissuading kids

In a recent study published in Social Science and Medicine, a multidisciplinary team sought to deepen regulators’ understanding of how both adults and teens respond to warning labels on e-cigarettes.

Democratic decline a global phenomenon, even in wealthy nations

Democratic backsliding is occurring in an unprecedented number of wealthy countries once thought immune to such forces – the United States among them, finds a new analysis led by Cornell political scientists.

Annual Soup & Hope speaker series to kick off Jan. 25

The 17th annual Soup & Hope speaker series returns to Sage Chapel on Jan. 25, featuring six Cornell staff, faculty and student storytellers sharing their experiences of overcoming life’s challenges while attendees enjoy a free meal of soup and bread.