Cash for Clunkers was a clunker, says energy economist

A Resources for the Future report, co-authored by assistant professor Shanjun Li, concludes that the 2009 Cash for Clunkers federal vehicle trade-in program provided 'little economic stimulus.' (Dec. 5, 2011)

High-wire artist Philippe Petit: Nothing is impossible

High-wire artist Philippe Petit discussed some of his seemingly impossible high-wire performances and did some magic tricks Dec. 1 in Statler Auditorium.

Students flock to ILR School disability studies courses

Students across Cornell are taking ILR School disability studies classes and applying what they learn to internships and careers. (Nov. 30, 2011)

Study: Race plays a role in the pace of some romances

A study finds that white men and minority women become intimate and cohabitate faster than other couples do. The study was published in the peer-reviewed journal Social Forces. (Nov. 23, 2011)

'Quality of Jobs' conference at ILR explores how work has intensified

At a conference on the quality of jobs at the ILR School Nov. 2-3, research suggested jobs are becoming more intense, particularly in the wake of staff reductions. (Nov. 23, 2011)

Islam has long history of female scholarship and gender equality, former ambassador says

A former ambassador from Egypt to Canada stressed on campus Nov. 18 that Islam has a long history of female scholarship and gender equality, despite what many believe. (Nov. 23, 2011)

Expert stresses Agent Orange's lingering environmental, human toll in Vietnam

An activist seeking to remediate damage from Agent Orange said that the toxic herbicide's effects linger 35 years after being sprayed on Vietnam. (Nov. 21, 2011)

Women of color tackle work-life balance in panel discussion

In a panel discussion Nov. 12, four women from the Cornell community addressed complex questions about education, career and family during the all-day Women of Color conference. (Nov. 21, 2011)

Layaway saps incomes -- saving in a cookie jar is better

Layaway 'is being promoted with a moral shine of being debt-free when, like interest charges, all it does is sap working people's incomes,' says the ILR School's Louis Hyman. (Nov. 17, 2011)