Different ages need different risk messages, research finds

From emergency evacuation notices to how many vegetables to eat, people need good information to make good choices. Professor Valerie Reyna explains that risk messages must be tailored to different age groups. (Oct. 11, 2011)

Study: Community workforce agreements expand economic opportunity

Community workforce agreements have expanded job opportunities for returning veterans, women and minorities, according to ILR research. (Oct. 10, 2011)

Visiting African students see less class-consciousness

Eight students from the University of the Free State in South Africa reflected on what they observed and learned toward the end of their visit to Cornell, Oct. 5. (Oct. 10, 2011)

Experts explore links between risk-taking, brain mechanisms

The Third Biennial Urie Bronfenbrenner Conference, on campus Sept. 22-23, explored the connections between risky decision-making and brain mechanisms. (Oct. 7, 2011)

Christine Leuenberger to develop interactive course in Israel

Christine Leuenberger will return to Israel as a Fulbright specialist to create a new course that will engage diverse students via videoconferencing. (Oct. 6, 2011)

Panelists: DREAM Act is the civil rights fight of our time

Panelists at an Oct. 3 discussion titled 'DREAM Act: A Pipe Dream or Eventual Reality?' explored the passage of legislation that would provide a path to legalization for undocumented youth. (Oct. 6, 2011)

New Labor Dynamics Institute to shed light on labor market

The ILR School's new Labor Dynamics Institute will create and make accessible new data on the dynamics of labor markets. (Oct. 5, 2011)

Forum links young scientists on sustainability challenges

The Second Annual Young Social Scientists' Sustainability Research Forum, which took place Sept. 29, promoted dialogue between junior natural and social scientists working on sustainability issues. (Oct. 3, 2011)

ILR's Global Labor Institute: Pipeline could cost more jobs than it creates

A study by ILR's Global Labor Institute finds that a proposed oil pipeline running from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico might kill more jobs than it generates. (Sept. 30, 2011)