At a celebration of the Einaudi Center's 50th anniversary, President David Skorton pledged several actions to strengthen the international experience at Cornell. (Nov. 17, 2011)
At a symposium marking the 50th anniversary of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Director Fred Logevall considered the centers past and future direction. (Nov. 17, 2011)
A rose by any other name may smell as sweet, but an apple by another name could fetch a much sweeter price for farmers. Cornell research finds that consumers are willing to pay as much as 27 percent more for apples with names evocative of taste and sensation.
A new study finds that people with a utilitarian approach to ethics share personality traits with psychopaths, which may make difficult decisions easier for them. (Nov. 14, 2011)
Eugene Dynkin recorded his talks with mathematicians around the world for more than 50 years. The library has digitized, organized and curated the information on a new website. (Nov. 8, 2011)
Robert Frank, speaking at Museum of American Finance in New York City Nov. 2, says eliminating income taxes but instituting a steeply progressive consumption tax would free up $3 trillion annually. (Nov. 7, 2011)
Cornell Cooperative Extension leaders gathered for 'Bridging the Gap Between Science and Service: the First 100 Years of Cooperative Extension,' at the Cornell Club in Manhattan Nov. 1. (Nov. 3, 2011)
A symposium on campus Oct. 28 brought scholars and industry experts together to discuss how food systems could be in better synchrony with human health. (Nov. 1, 2011)
Americans typically have slightly more than two confidantes, down from three 25 years ago, but the size of this social network has stabilized since 2004, finds a new Cornell study. (Nov. 1, 2011)