Cybertools and Sinhala archive will improve analysis of world's 7,000 languages

A new generation of cybertools developed at Cornell and a Sinhala language data archive at Cornell allow researchers to better study language acquisition in children. (Oct. 31, 2011)

ILR documentary on disabled youth entering job market has TV premier Oct. 30

'What Works?,' a documentary produced by the ILR School, explains how collaboration between schools, businesses and students with disabilities pays off with jobs for teens. (Oct. 27, 2011)

1930s gangster films diversified conceptions of 'American-ness,' argues professor

In a campus talk, Professor Sabine Haenni described how gangster films of the 1930s critiqued capitalism and its modes of exclusion in the United States, and incorrectly portrayed America abroad. (Oct. 26, 2011)

Lies, buys and revolutions: Social media -- revered or reviled -- is here to stay

In a talk to alumni Oct. 21, Jeff Hancock shared his research into the veracity of online communications and what scientists can extract from it. (Oct. 21, 2011)

Center for Transformative Action celebrates 40 years as catalyst for social change

The Center for Transformative Action is celebrating its 40th anniversary as an incubator of social change. (Oct. 19, 2011)

Meet the 'alloparents': Shared child care gave rise to human altruism, says Hrdy

During her first visit as an A.D. White professor, Sarah Hrdy asserted in a public lecture Oct. 17 that altruism among humans stemmed from having more than just parents help with child care.

With Iraq War 'a crashing failure,' expert calls for caution in U.S. military interventions

International relations scholar Robert Keohane, speaking on campus Oct. 13, stressed that the United States needs to exercise great caution when it considers military interventions around the world. (Oct. 18, 2011)

'The words of psychopaths reveal their predatory nature

Words can be a window on the soul, and computers are learning to peer through that window. A new Cornell study shows that computer analyses can identify the speech patterns that psychopaths tend to use. (Oct. 17, 2011)

Study with Dr. Oz: Peer mentors help improve diets in at-risk high schools

Professor John Cawley and Dr. Mehmet Oz of TV fame find that peer mentors in at-risk high schools help students improve their diet and exercise regimens. (Oct. 17, 2011)