Student launches online marketplace for ski and snowboard gear

Dylan Seale ’25 debuts a new online ecosystem for independent entrepreneurs in the winter sportswear and gear industry.

Endangered sea cucumbers for sale in NYC food markets

After sampling food markets in Chinatown districts, Cornell researchers found evidence that some threatened species of sea cucumbers – a pricey, nutritious delicacy – get sold to consumers.

Oliver Vonnegut, Tufts undergrad, wins top prize in Cornell journal

Vonnegut, grandson of author and Cornellian Kurt Vonnegut, won the top prize for his paper for Logos, Cornell’s undergraduate philosophy journal.

Around Cornell

Milstein first-years listen closely, shape stories with strangers

First-year students in the Milstein Program in Technology & Humanity engaged with community members, crafting innovative assignments and sharpening their skills with various technologies.

Around Cornell

CROPPS welcomes 2024 REU class

The Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems is welcomes the 2024 cohort of the National Science Foundation-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates program.

Around Cornell

Julie Edwards named AVP for student health and wellbeing

Julie Edwards, director of the Cornell Health’s Skorton Center for Health Initiatives, has been named assistant vice president of student and campus life for student health and wellbeing, effective July 1.

2024 Kessler Fellows embark on summer internships

The 2024 Kessler Fellows have accepted internships and will spend the summer gaining firsthand entrepreneurial experience in industries ranging from supersonic airliners to a sustainable interior design company. This year's fellows had an interest in international startups, with some heading to Shanghai, Kent, Edinburgh and Wales to pursue their summer internships.

Around Cornell

Former Colombian president tells grads to tackle ‘liberty deficit’

Iván Duque, a lawyer who was president of Colombia from 2018 to 2022, spoke at the Emerging Markets Institute fellows graduation ceremony, May 24 in Sage Hall, to an audience of 250 people online and in person, including 71 EMI Class of 2024 fellows.

Ph.D. graduates carved their own paths

Cornell’s newest doctoral graduates have already begun paving the way for new discoveries, President Martha E. Pollack said to more than 300 students waiting to cross the stage at the 2024 Ph.D. Recognition Ceremony on May 24 at Barton Hall.