Soft, social robot brings coziness to home robotics

Blossom, a simple, expressive, inexpensive robot platform developed by Cornell researchers, can be made from a kit and creatively outfitted with handcrafted materials.

Milstein students ‘Collab’ on tech solutions in service projects

Students in the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity developed a website, created a computer language learning curriculum and engaged in other service projects this spring.

To win online debates, social networks worth a thousand words

Social interactions are more important than language in predicting who is going to succeed at online debating, according to new Cornell research.

Mozilla co-founder shares vision for future of tech

Mitchell Baker, chairwoman of Mozilla and co-founder of the Mozilla Project, was on campus May 1 to speak with students in the Milstein Program in Technology and Humanity. 

Cornell selects eight Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows

The Cornell Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, which attracts some of the world’s best young talent to Cornell, has chosen eight new fellows.

Undergrads to present psychology research May 9

Cornell undergraduates involved in psychology across a number of schools and colleges present their research across a broad array of interests at a May 9 conference in the Physical Sciences Building Atrium.

Art inspired by slime mold-like robots unveiled at NYC museum

Kirstin Petersen, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, presented art inspired by her research at the New Museum in New York City in a program that pairs artists with technologists and challenges them to create something new.

Bots exploiting blockchains for profit

Like high-frequency traders on Wall Street, a growing army of bots exploit inefficiencies in decentralized exchanges, which are places where users buy, sell or trade cryptocurrency independent of a central authority, a Cornell Tech study has found.

From big picture to small screens, student projects tackle problems with tech

At the annual BOOM (Bits on Our Minds) showcase April 24 in Duffield Hall, more than 200 students used technology to try to solve problems large and small, local and international, for entertainment, convenience, increased equity or social good.